Don’t miss your chance!

Limited spots available!

We’re turning up the dial on our homestead skills! Homestead classes are scheduled starting this Sunday & I am so excited!

I have about 15 people registered for the classes so far. If you are registered, you'll see an email from me within the next 24 hours!

When you register for $10 or more, you’ll enter into a giveaway of homestead goodies, & you’ll get access to every single class! This is a pay what you want offer, so you choose the amount & get exclusive access to the full line up.

Our current schedule line up of classes are as follows:

4/14 - Raising & Processing Chickens

4/18 - Gardening 101 (just confirmed, not on the image below)

4/21 - Sourdough 101

4/28 - Canning 101

Other classes that have been requested are as follows:

• Homeschooling

• Kombucha (I think I spelled that right)

• Composting

• Beekeeping

If you have a different topic you would like to be educated on, please respond back! I'm not limited to the amount of classes we have as long as we don't run out of money 😅

Each host will be compensated for their time & their expertise. If you are interested in hosting one of the mentioned classes, please respond to me as I am searching for a host on certain topics.

All classes will be streamed live on Zoom & a separate Facebook group. You will have access to the recordings for 45-60 days from the last recording (estimating end of May) This will allow us to focus solely on the questions each participant has!

Okay, did I miss anything? I don't think so, but let me know if I did haha. I'm so excited for this!!!

+ April 18th 7:00 EST - Gardening 101